A Calm Place is a collection of personal thoughts and photographs grouped into projects. The usual suspects include life, leadership, education, aikido, iaido, and photography.
Eric Lavigne, courtesy of Philippe Gendrault
I am both student and teacher, and try my best to be both in every sphere of my life. By day, I am a professor in the Higher Education program at OISE, University of Toronto. By night (evening really), I study and teach aikido and iaido with Sensei Robert Zimmermann at Toronto Aikikai.I started aikido in 2000, and iaido in 2001, with Sensei Claude Berthiaume at Aikido de la montagne in Montreal.
Whenever I can, I carry a camera and think of myself as a photographer, looking at the world through a different set of eyes. Photography, martial arts, teaching, and research come together in this website as I try to have each domain inform the others.
You can find me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and ResearchGate.net.